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WebFill - Filling forms and emails, solving MCQs, for students and professionals.


Uses advanced AI models to automatically fill forms, complete surveys, handle data entry, solve MCQs, respond to emails.

WebFill is compatible with the following platforms and devices:

  • Web-Based

WebFill can be integrated with the following third-party platforms and tools:

  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • TikTok
  • Twitter

* For the complete list of available integrations visit WebFill website.

Subscription Types

WebFill offers the following subscription types:

  • Freemium
  • Paid

Billing options include the following:

  • Monthly
  • Annually

Membership packages:

There are 2 membership packages at WebFill.

  • API is Not Available.
  • Community Hub is Available.

WebFill Review: An In-Depth Overview

WebFill Review: The Ultimate AI Tool for Automating Form Filling and Data Entry

In today's fast-paced digital world, professionals, students, and enterprises constantly seek ways to simplify and speed up routine tasks. Enter WebFill, an AI-driven tool that offers a smart solution for form filling, survey completion, data entry, and much more. Below is an in-depth review of what this tool offers, how it works, its top use cases, and the key highlights that make it stand out.

What is WebFill?

WebFill is an advanced AI tool designed to automate tasks such as filling out forms, responding to emails, and even solving multiple-choice questions. This innovative tool is available as a browser extension and is suitable for individuals across various domains, including students, professionals, and large enterprises. Its core aim is to streamline tedious tasks, improving productivity by significantly reducing the time spent on manual data entry and form completion.

The tool offers a range of features that include:

  • Automatic form filling for PDFs, web pages, and text documents.
  • Email assistance, generating or responding to emails with a click.
  • Integration with a chatbot for quick answers and detailed guidance.
  • WebFill Vision is a screen capture tool that provides instant answers for complex tasks like multiple-choice questions and online assessments.

By leveraging AI, WebFill continues to learn and improve over time, offering faster and more accurate results the more it is used.

How It Works

WebFill uses advanced artificial intelligence to detect and interpret forms and content on web pages, PDFs, and documents. Here's how it works:

  1. Automatic Form Filling: Once WebFill is activated, it automatically recognizes form fields in documents or web pages. It uses stored data or intelligently identifies the right information to populate these fields quickly and accurately. This feature is particularly useful when dealing with lengthy surveys or application forms, saving users considerable time.
  2. Email Assistance: WebFill can assist with email tasks by generating or responding to emails based on the context. Users can simply click the WebFill button within their inbox, and the tool will craft an appropriate email response, helping professionals manage communication efficiently.
  3. WebFill Vision: This standout feature allows users to capture any part of their screen and instantly receive answers. Whether it's solving complex online assessments, answering multiple-choice questions, or retrieving information from a web page, WebFill Vision provides quick and accurate responses without manual research.
  4. Chatbot Integration: WebFill also integrates a highly responsive AI chatbot that delivers fast, accurate answers. Whether users need a quick fact or detailed guidance on a specific issue, the chatbot ensures that assistance is always available, enhancing the overall user experience.

With its automated learning mechanism, WebFill constantly adapts to improve its precision and efficiency over time, ensuring users get the most out of the tool with every use.

Use Cases

WebFill serves a wide array of purposes across different industries and user groups. Here are some key use cases:

  • For Students: Students can use WebFill to quickly complete surveys, fill out forms for school or scholarship applications, or tackle online assessments. The tool's ability to respond to multiple-choice questions makes it particularly useful for exam preparation or homework tasks.
  • For Professionals: WebFill simplifies day-to-day professional tasks like filling out reports, completing surveys, or even responding to emails. Its email assistance feature is especially beneficial for professionals who need to manage multiple correspondences efficiently.
  • For Enterprises: Large organizations can use WebFill to automate data entry tasks, ensuring accuracy and saving time on repetitive administrative tasks. This can include anything from automatically completing customer feedback forms to responding to support emails.
  • For Researchers: WebFill's ability to capture content and provide answers via WebFill Vision makes it a handy tool for researchers who need quick answers while navigating online databases or conducting surveys.

Top Highlights

WebFill boasts several standout features that make it an essential AI-driven tool for anyone looking to enhance their productivity. Here are the top highlights:

  • Automatic Form Filling: The tool is highly efficient at detecting and populating form fields on PDFs, web pages, and documents, eliminating the need for manual input.
  • Email Assistance: WebFill can generate or respond to emails with just one click, streamlining communication tasks and helping users manage their inboxes more efficiently.
  • WebFill Vision: This screen-capture feature allows users to get instant answers by simply selecting a portion of the screen. It's particularly useful for online assessments and solving multiple-choice questions.
  • Chatbot Integration: The responsive chatbot offers quick answers and detailed guidance, enhancing the user experience by providing 24/7 support.
  • Browser Extension: As a browser extension, WebFill is always accessible, ensuring that users can seamlessly integrate it into their existing workflows without hassle.
  • Data Security: WebFill employs refined data security measures, ensuring that all sensitive information, such as form entries or email content, is handled securely. This makes it a reliable tool for professionals and organizations dealing with sensitive data.


WebFill is a robust AI-powered tool that significantly enhances productivity by automating tasks like form-filling, data entry, and email management. With its intelligent features like WebFill Vision and chatbot integration, this tool is well-suited for a wide range of users, from students to large enterprises. Offering seamless browser integration and advanced data security, WebFill is a dependable and efficient solution for anyone looking to simplify routine tasks and save valuable time.


Features & Highlights

  • Form filling (with PDF or automatically)
  • Answer to email
  • MCQ solving
  • Integrated chat
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