
BookRaid - AI Book Making Tools and Free Ebooks


BookRaid is the ultimate platform for book making and sharing. Its AI tools make book creation easy, while its marketplace offers free ebooks with the latest information and knowledge. Get ready to take your reading and writing to the next level.


BookRaid is compatible with the following platforms and devices:

  • Web-Based

BookRaid can be integrated with the following third-party platforms and tools:


* For the complete list of available integrations visit BookRaid website.

Subscription Types

BookRaid offers the following subscription types:

  • Free

Billing options include the following:

Membership packages:

There are membership packages at BookRaid.

  • API is Not Available.
  • Community Hub is Available.

BookRaid Review: An In-Depth Overview

BookRaid is a unique digital platform that offers an array of AI-powered tools for authors and readers alike. Known for offering a selection of discounted and free bestselling ebooks, the platform extends its capabilities by aiding authors in their writing process.

The platform's "Book Description AI Tool" is aimed at helping authors create compelling book descriptions, a critical marketing asset often overlooked. By providing a deep understanding of the book's description, the tool also offers the ability to rewrite it, enhancing its marketability.

In addition to this, BookRaid has an "AI Pen Name Generator" for authors in need of a pseudonym, delivering unique, fitting options with a click. For those in the early stages of their writing process, the "AI Book Character Generator" and "AI Book Title Generator" provide invaluable assistance. These tools generate engaging character profiles and a variety of title options, respectively, easing the creative process for writers.

Lastly, for authors experiencing writer's block, the "AI Book Plot Generator" provides a solution. By sparking new ideas, it enables authors to overcome their creative impasse and advance with their narratives. Overall, BookRaid harnesses the power of AI to support authors in their creative journey while offering a vast collection of discounted and free ebooks to readers.

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