
100DaysOfAI - Daily Bite sized AI Lessons


Boost your AI skills in just 100 days with 100DaysOfAI - Daily Bite sized AI Lessons! Get 30-minute lessons delivered daily for a guided AI learning experience. Transform into an AI expert with bite-sized lessons tailored for your busy schedule.


100DaysOfAI is compatible with the following platforms and devices:

  • Windows
  • MacOS
  • Android
  • iOS
  • Android App
  • iOS App
  • Web-Based
  • Cross Platforms

100DaysOfAI can be integrated with the following third-party platforms and tools:

  • Make
  • Zapier

* For the complete list of available integrations visit 100DaysOfAI website.

Subscription Types

100DaysOfAI offers the following subscription types:

  • Free

Billing options include the following:

Membership packages:

There are membership packages at 100DaysOfAI.

  • API is Not Available.
  • Community Hub is Not Available.

100DaysOfAI Review: An In-Depth Overview

#100DaysOfAI was launched to facilitate a transformative journey. Think of it as your daily 30-minute AI lab, where bite-sized lessons replace the overwhelming tide of information. Our shared mission? To navigate the vast landscape of AI, demystifying its potential, and unveiling its practical implications in everyday life

If this strikes a chord with you, join us. Together, we can make learning AI not only productive, but also enjoyable! 😊


Features & Highlights

  • Structured 100-day learning journey with daily 30-minute lessons.
  • Wide range of AI applications covered, from basics to advanced concepts.
  • Transformation from AI novice to knowledgeable in AI topics and applications.
  • Free and accessible online, suitable for a global audience.
  • Focus on practical implications and real-world applications of AI.
  • Community-driven learning, fostering engagement and collaboration among participants.
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