Slang Thesaurus
Slang Thesaurus - AI Powered Slang Translator
Slang Thesaurus is a AI-powered thesaurus for slang words. It indexes millions of slang terms from Urban Dictionary, giving access to definitions, usage correlations, and the official Urban Dictionary API for hover-definitions. Allowing users to quickly learn slang words and find the most accurate definitions and usage.
Slang Thesaurus is compatible with the following platforms and devices:
Slang Thesaurus can be integrated with the following third-party platforms and tools:
- Canva
- Airtable
- GitHub
- Webhooks
- Google Analytics
- Slack
- Contentful
- Apollo.io
* For the complete list of available integrations visit Slang Thesaurus website.
Subscription Types
Slang Thesaurus offers the following subscription types:
Billing options include the following:
Membership packages:
There are membership packages at Slang Thesaurus.