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Moontower - AI Powered Opinionated Options Analytics Platform


Moontower is an opinionated options analytics platform that helps options traders make better decisions. It includes 20+ proprietary charts, an education component, options calculators, and much more.

Moontower is compatible with the following platforms and devices:

  • Windows
  • MacOS
  • Linux
  • Android
  • iOS
  • Android App
  • iOS App
  • Web-Based

Moontower can be integrated with the following third-party platforms and tools:


* For the complete list of available integrations visit Moontower website.

Subscription Types

Moontower offers the following subscription types:

  • Paid

Billing options include the following:

  • Monthly

Membership packages:

There are 1 membership packages at Moontower.

  • API is Not Available.
  • Community Hub is Not Available.

Moontower Review: An In-Depth Overview

What is it?

Moontower is an advanced, opinionated options analytics platform designed to assist options traders in making informed decisions. By offering a range of proprietary charts, educational resources, and sophisticated options calculators, Moontower aims to shift traders' perspectives towards a volatility-focused approach. Recognizing that many options traders often incur losses, Moontower's mission is to provide tools and insights to improve their trading outcomes.

How It Works

Moontower provides users with a comprehensive suite of analytical tools tailored for options trading. The platform includes over 20 proprietary charts that offer unique insights into market behaviors and options performance. These charts help traders understand complex market dynamics and identify potential trading opportunities.

In addition to its analytical tools, Moontower features an education component that aims to enhance traders' knowledge and skills. This includes tutorials, articles, and other resources covering essential topics in options trading, focusing on understanding and trading volatility.

The platform also includes options calculators that allow users to model different trading scenarios, calculate potential outcomes, and assess risk. These calculators are crucial for making informed decisions, helping traders evaluate the profitability and risk of various options strategies before executing trades.

Use Cases

Moontower is beneficial for a variety of users within the options trading community:

  1. Individual Traders: Retail investors who trade options can use Moontower's tools to gain deeper insights into market movements and improve their trading strategies.
  2. Professional Traders: Institutional traders and hedge fund managers can leverage the platform's advanced analytics to enhance their trading models and decision-making processes.
  3. Educators and Students: Individuals involved in teaching or studying finance and trading can use Moontower as an educational resource to better understand options trading and volatility.


Moontower offers a range of products designed to support options traders:

  1. Proprietary Charts: Over 20 unique charts provide detailed visualizations of market data and options performance.
  2. Educational Resources: Comprehensive tutorials, articles, and guides help traders learn about options trading and volatility.
  3. Options Calculators: Tools for modeling trading scenarios, calculating potential outcomes, and assessing risks.
  4. Analytics Platform: A user-friendly interface that integrates all of Moontower's tools, making it easy for traders to access and utilize the information they need.

Accessibility and Developer Options

Moontower's emphasis on user education and sophisticated tools suggests a commitment to making advanced options trading analytics accessible to a broad audience of traders.


Moontower is designed to be compatible with various devices and platforms, ensuring that users can access its tools and resources from desktops, tablets, and possibly mobile devices. This flexibility allows traders to utilize Moontower's features from anywhere, making it a versatile tool for on-the-go decision-making.


Features & Highlights

  • Proprietary Charts: Offers over 20 unique charts for in-depth market analysis and options performance insights.
  • Educational Resources: Provides comprehensive tutorials and articles to enhance traders' understanding of options and volatility.
  • Options Calculators: Allows traders to model scenarios, calculate outcomes, and assess risks effectively.
  • Volatility Focus: Shifts traders' perspectives towards a volatility-based approach, improving decision-making.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Integrates all tools into an accessible platform for easy navigation and use.
  • Market Insights: Delivers detailed visualizations and analytics to help traders identify opportunities and make better trading decisions.
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