Editor's Pick

AI Pet Photos

AI Pet Photos - AI-Driven Pets Art Portraits

$8.00 Special Offer

Discount Code: FURRYART

Experience the latest in pet art with AI Pet Photos. Transform your pet into a unique, AI-generated portrait that combines cutting edge AI technology with your pet's unique features. Receive a custom, one-of-a-kind pet portrait with AI Pet Photos.


AI Pet Photos is compatible with the following platforms and devices:

  • Web-Based

AI Pet Photos can be integrated with the following third-party platforms and tools:


* For the complete list of available integrations visit AI Pet Photos website.

Subscription Types

AI Pet Photos offers the following subscription types:

  • Paid

Billing options include the following:

  • Buy Credits

Membership packages:

There are 1 membership packages at AI Pet Photos.

  • API is Not Available.
  • Community Hub is Available.

AI Pet Photos Review: An In-Depth Overview

AI Pet Photos is an innovative platform that specializes in generating high-quality furry art of pets, specifically cats and dogs. Utilizing cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology, the platform offers an immersive experience where pet owners can easily transform photos of their furry friends into unique pieces of art, including character-based portraits. The user interface is navigational and straightforward, featuring tabs like "Home," "My Pets," and "Login | Register."

Core Features

  • High-Quality Output: The platform boasts a high level of detail and resolution, generating images of 2048 by 2560 pixels.
  • Speedy Delivery: Users can expect their furry art to be processed and delivered within an average time of 34 minutes, although this may vary based on demand.
  • Professional Grade: The generated images feature professional-level lighting and a great degree of resemblance to the pet, with minimal deformation occurrences.
  • Ease of Use: The platform's process is simple—upload 25 photos of your pet, and the AI will generate 42 different character-based images, with no design skills needed on the part of the user.


The service is priced at $999 per pet in USD. For this price, users receive 42 images, showcasing 21 different characters with 2 images each.

Customer Reviews

Feedback such as Maria's "I'll turn this into a poster!" speaks to the platform's potential for generating keepsakes and personalized gifts.


AI Pet Photos ensures the safety and security of pet photos uploaded, and the platform is fully compatible with mobile devices. It offers an extensive FAQ section to address any user queries or concerns.

Social Presence

AI Pet Photos maintains an active social media presence across various platforms including Twitter (now X), TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook, providing regular updates and showcasing samples of generated furry art.

In conclusion, AI Pet Photos offers a unique and entertaining experience for pet owners looking for a novel way to celebrate their furry friends. Whether you wish to transform your pet into a superhero or a samurai, this platform has got you covered. With its high-quality output, speedy delivery, and user-friendly interface, AI Pet Photos stands as a top player in the niche market of AI-generated pet art.

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