AI News
"Exploring AI Chatbots in Mental Health Support: An Evaluation on Racial Detection and Bias"
"Artificial Intelligence models and chatbots have been trending topics of discussion with their increasing application in various sectors. Recently, researchers...
UroBot: The AI Language Model that Outperforms Experienced Urologists
In a groundbreaking development in the area of urological medicine and Artificial Intelligence (AI), a team of scientists at the...
Enhancing Autonomous Vehicles Understanding with ChatGPT
In the realm of autonomous vehicles (AVs), advances are being made daily. Purdue University engineers recently demonstrated how AVs could...
Unveiling Skeleton Key: Hacker's New Toy for AI Chatbots
While the world is marveling over the wonders and utilities of generative AI, one should not underestimate the potential threats...
Understanding the Functioning and Limitations of Large Language Models in Facilitating Health Behavior Change
AI tools and, more specifically, large language model-based chatbots are significantly contributing to the healthcare sector. Their functionality spans patient...
The Unexpected Preference for Chatbots Over Humans in Online Shopping
Although the idea of real human interaction during online shopping would seem favorable to most consumers, a recent study tells...
Understanding Large Language Models, the TensorFlow Behind Chatbots
In the rapidly evolving realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI), chatbots have emerged as some of the earliest popularized applications. There's...
Applications of Conversational AI in the Business Sector
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made significant strides in recent years, with one of the most pivotal advancements being the creation...